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Fame or integrity: which is more important?
Money or happiness: which is more valuable?
Success or failure: which is more destructive?
If you look to others for fulfillment,
you will never truly be fulfilled.
If your happiness depends on money,
you will never be happy with yourself.
Be content with what you have;
rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize that nothing is lacking,
the whole world belongs to you!

Lao Tzu

(refresh the page for another quote)

Life is an inside job and our stories are a manifestation
of what we continuously tell ourselves.

What exciting times we are experiencing! As the nature of challenges we face in a time of transition seems to escalate, it provides a tremendous opportunity for us to expand, grow and change to become an even better version of ourselves. As we evolve into a greater expression of who we are and become aligned to higher values, we have a profound affect on everything around us. The Language of Life provides an easy-to-understand and practical application of the universal laws and principles that directly influences our life experiences. Regardless of our situation or circumstances we all posses the ability to create a better and more successful life for ourselves as individuals and families, in the schools and in the business world.

Together we are responsible for creating harmony and unification in our world where we strive for excellence, not at the expense of others, but rather in an integral manner that is for the highest good of the individual, businesses, our communities, our country and ultimately the collective consciousness of the world.

Whether you are inspired by my monthly newsletter, participate in the on-line Mastery Program, invite me to speak or present a seminar, or I have the opportunity to work with you in personal coaching sessions, I am honoured to inspire and support you on your journey to finding balance and harmony in all areas of your life.

When you change the way you perceive the world and the way you see yourself in it, your life will change accordingly, and so will the world.

Dean Noblett
Personal and Business Transformation Specialist
Life Empowerment Coach and Transpersonal Counsellor

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